Lavender teabag sachet

Lavender ‘Teabag’ Sachet Tutorial

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As you know from my post, how to grow a lavender hedge for £1, I grow my own lavender and harvest it. I make all sorts of lavender bags with it. I decided to share the lavender teabag sachet with you here as a tutorial. How cute is this bag? It looks like a giant teabag.

NOTE: This is a lavender bag for smelling not making tea with. I have called it a lavender teabag sachet because of its shape.

Lavender Teabag Sachet

This tutorial is available as a PDF download for a small charge. This will allow you to avoid the ads and print it off if you want to. Simply click here for more details.

You will need:

Fabric (or used tumble drier sheet)


Embroidery thread or string

Free printable pattern and labels – Lavender Teabag Template, lavender teabag labels

Stapler or glue

Sewing Supplies (thread, scissors, needle or sewing machine)

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Video Tutorial

This video is also available on my YouTube channel

Cut out the fabric

Cut out the sachet template and pin it to your chosen fabric. Cut around the template and remove it from the fabric. I have made some using old tumble drier sheets as they look great (like real teabags) and it is a great way of recycling them.

Template pinned to fabric

Sew side seams

Fold the fabric in half, right sides facing, and pin along the sides. Leave the ‘top open’. Sew along the pinned seams.

Bag Pinned
Bag Sewn

Fill with lavender and sew closed

Turn the bag the right way out and fill it with lavender. Do not overfill it or it will feel too bulky, it should resemble a large teabag!

Then cut your embroidery thread (or string) to your required length. I vary mine depending on the look I am going for. Tie a small knot in either end.

Insert one end of the thread into the top of the bag in the centre. Fold a small  hem in on either side of the bag top and secure with a pin. Make sure that the thread is trapped, the knot helps with this. Sew along the seam.

Thread sewn into bag

Attach label

Attach the other end of the thread to one of your labels using either your stapler or glue. I chose glue as I found it more successful and it looked nicer.

Completed Lavender Teabag Sachet

So, you have completed your first lavender teabag sachet. Here are a few of mine made from various fabrics.

Lavender teabag sachet
Lavender teabag sachet
Lavender teabag sachet

If you would like this tutorial as a PDF download for a small charge simply click here for more details.

If you enjoy sewing try some of my other tutorials:

Please remember to leave me comments about what you thought of the tutorial and what you are making right now. I will reply to them all and I love hearing from you.

I am also on Pinterest (Christine’s Crafts) and Instagram (Christinescraftsuk) So please follow me there too for more ideas and inspiration.

lavender bags

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