Red Xmas Yarn Decoration

Christmas / Xmas Decorations for Knitters – DIY

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These really are the perfect Christmas /Xmas decorations for knitters. Make them for yourself or for the knitters in your life. They will love these to decorate their tree and it will show them how well you know them and how much you appreciate their knitting. You can easily put one of these together in under 30 minutes.

This tutorial shows you how to make them but adapt them to suit your requirements and what you have available. I did!

Xmas Decorations for Knitters

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You will need:

Bauble (plastic, styrofoam or papermache)

Yarn (use old leftover lengths)


Cocktail sticks or bamboo skewers (for needles)

Beads (for the ends of your knitting needles)

Equipment needed

Video Tutorial

This video is also available on my YouTube channel.

Step 1:Make knitting needles

Make your knitting needles. Take your skewers or cocktail sticks and cut them down to the correct length. They need to be long enough to pass through your bauble (even if they are not going to). Then glue your bead onto the blunt end of the sticks. Mine are hearts purely because that  was what I already had at home. You now have two tiny knitting needles.

knitting needles

Step 2: Wrap bauble in yarn

Get your bauble and apply some glue around the hanger at the top of the bauble. Start gluing your  yarn to the bauble in an organised way. This is to make sure that the bauble is covered.

Gluing yarn to bauble

Continue until the whole bauble is covered.

Bauble covered

Step 3: Complete yarn wrapping & attach needles

Now continue to wrap the yarn around the bauble in a more random fashion so that it looks like a ball of wool. Cut off the yarn and glue the end down (or tuck it in tightly). If your bauble does not have a hanger on it make yourself a hanging loop using the yarn (before you cut it) and then glue that down. Now push your needles through the wrapped yarn and you are finished.

Xmas Decoration for knitters

Here is one I made using a smaller bauble and some plastic cocktail sticks that I had in the cupboard with nice beads already attached.

Xmas Decoration for knitters

This bauble is made from a styrofoam bauble. All that is different is that I pushed the knitting needles through the bauble before wrapping the yarn.

Red Xmas Yarn Decoration

Alternative Idea: Knitting in a bauble

I love these but I also decided to use one of my plastic baubles to show some knitting. Use two cocktail sticks to knit a small square of knitting. I know that it is fiddly but it is worth it.

Tiny Knitting

Then cut the sticks down so that they fit inside the bauble. Knit half a row and cut off the yarn to form a small ball of wool. Place your knitting inside the plastic bauble and attach the hanger. So easy!

Xmas Decorations for knitters

These Xmas decorations for knitters are so quick and easy to make that you could make them as gifts or to sell at a Christmas Fair. Let me know in the comments section below how many you make and what they are for. I love to hear from you!

If you are looking for Christmas / Xmas decorations then check out these other tutorials on the blog:

Enjoy making your own decorations – it makes Christmas so special.

Remember to pin this tutorial on Pinterest so that you can find it later (or next Christmas).

Tree Decorations for Knitters

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