First loop onto second post

French Knitting – How to Cast off and Create Masterpieces

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Well in the previous 2 posts we learnt how to Make a French Knitting Nancy and Cast on and Knit. Now we will learn how to cast off and create a masterpiece with your knitting. This is for when you have got enough French Knitting or spool knitting to make whatever you are wanting to make.

If you like to watch a task being done then take a look at the video of casting of French Knitting (or spool knitting). 

Cast off French Knitting

You will Need

Your French knitting on your Nancy


Video Tutorial

This video is also available on my YouTube channel.

Step 1: First Post

Select one post, in my case the blue one. Take the loop off the post and carefully place it over the next post along (anti-clockwise) in the same direction as you have been knitting. You should now have 2 loops on that post.

First loop off post
First loop onto second post

Take the loop that was originally on the post over the newly added loop and off into the tube.

Cast off French Knitting

You should now have 1 loop on each of 3 posts.

Step 2: Second Post

Take the loop from this post, in my case the orange one and place it over the next post (in my case the red one).

Removing loop from orange post

You should now have 2 loops on this post.

Cast off French Knitting

Take the original loop and pass it over the loop you recently added and drop it into the tube.

Cast off French Knitting

Step 3: Remaining Posts

Repeat this process around all the posts until you are left with just one loop on one post, in my case the green one.

Casting off French Knitting

Step 4: Cut Yarn & Finish

Now cut your yarn to a suitable length, take the loop off the post, thread the yarn through the loop and pull it tight. Your French Knitting is now complete and should not be attached to your Nancy.

Cast off French Knitting tie off

You can tidy up the ends by threading your yarn onto a needle and working it down into the ‘tube’ of knitting or alternatively use them to form your project.

Step 5: Create

Get Creative! Form your knitting into whatever you want.

I made an infinity scarf by folding my knitting in half and sewing it together. I repeated this until it was the correct length. Then I sewed the ends together to form a loop.

Some other great ideas for French Knitting are:

22 things to do with French Knitting

Simple Infinity Scarf

French Knitting Projects you will actually want to make

Take a look around on the Internet and you will find lots of great project ideas for your French Knitting. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration and you can follow me on there as Christine’s Crafts. Remember to pin this tutorial for later too!

Cast off French Knitting

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