Tulips planted

Plant a lasagna bulb pot for fantastic spring colour

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You may or may not have heard of a lasagna bulb pot but I assure you that they are fantastic. For a little bit of work in the autumn (fall) you can guarantee weeks and weeks of spring colour in your garden / porch /patio/ etc. The idea is that you plant your various types of bulbs in layers (kind of like a lasagna) so that your pot will have a succession of bright flowers throughout spring. So easy but incredibly effective!

This year I am also doing it with an old wheelbarrow so a little bit of upcycling too. There are no rules about what you can use as a pot, just make sure it has drainage holes.

lasagna bulb pot

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What will you need?

Pot or container of some description with drainage holes – simple one from Amazon

Multi-purpose compost / soil

Selection of bulbs – I used crocus, miniature daffodils and tulips.

Grit/gravel for the top of  the pot – optional

Plants to add winter interest to the pot – optional

Step 1:

Make sure your pot has drainage holes and that they are not blocked. In this case I used broken pot pieces. Sometimes I use polystyrene from packaging that I have broken up. This also makes the pot a bit lighter.

Crock in pot

Next, add a thick layer of compost. This is the compost that your first layer of bulbs will grow into.

First layer of compost

Step 2:

Position your largest bulbs that flower the latest around the compost. I have planted tulip bulbs.

Tulips planted

Cover the bulbs with another thick layer of compost. In my case this was about 3″ to 4″  (7.5cm to 10cm).

First layer complete

Step 3:

Add your next layer of bulbs. In my case these were dwarf narcissi (daffodils). Do not worry too much about whether they may be directly over the other bulbs, they will grow around each other.

daffodils planted

Once again, cover with a thick layer of compost.

Second layer complete

Step 4:

Add your final layer of bulbs, crocus on this layer for me. They will be up and flowering early in the spring and be very welcome after the winter.

Crocus planted

Finally add another thick layer of compost. Then decide whether to cover this compost with gravel or grit to provide a decorative cover for the winter or to add some plants for interest. I chose to add violas for instant colour and a carex grass to guarantee some interest all winter.

Now all you have to do is decide where to position your lasagna bulb pot for maximum enjoyment. I will be keeping mine up near the house to protect it from any harsh frosts and so that I can see it every day!

Completed lasagna bulb pot

If you are keen to prepare your garden in autumn/fall then take a look at my other posts:

Upcycle an old Sink with Fabulous Planting

How to make your own leaf mould

Secrets of successful sweet peas – plant in autumn/fall

Top gardening tasks for September

Upcycle an old Chair into a Unique Succulent Planter

Remember to pin this article on Pinterest for later and you can follow me on there for more great ideas collated just for you!

lasagna bulb pot

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