Fudge pieces

Easy Peasy Chocolate Fudge

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Fancy making some easy peasy chocolate fudge for gifts. I did! I will share exactly how I did it. The recipe is really simple and you can add in anything you like to vary the flavour.

Easy Peasy chocolate fudge

Fudge Ingredients

You will need:

250g dark chocolate (the better quality stuff is really good)

150g milk chocolate

350g condensed milk

1tsp vanilla extract

optional additions eg, 50g pistachios, 50g raisins

Fudge Instructions

Line a container that is approximately 15cm x 23cm with baking parchment. This will not be used for cooking so it does not need to be heatproof. However a roasting tin works really well.

Put all the dark and milk chocolate and condensed milk into a heatproof bowl. Set the bowl over a pan of simmering water. This will allow the chocolate to melt without cooking and spoiling. Leave it all to melt but stir occasionally to make sure no lumps of chocolate are left. The smaller you cut /break up the chocolate the quicker it will melt. Continue heating the mixture until it is smooth and shiny.

Melting chocolate and condensed milk

Stir in the vanilla extract and then pour the mixture into your prepared container. If you would like to add any other ingredients now is the time. I chose to add pistachios. Sprinkle your extra ingredient across the fudge and press it gently into the fudge. Cover the fudge and then chill for at least 3 hours, until it is firm.

Fudge in trayWhen you remove it from the fridge cut it into whatever sized pieces you like. I think that pieces about 2cm square are ideal. The fudge is very rich. This fudge can be stored in the fridge for up to a month.

Fudge pieces


I made the fudge for gifts so I placed my fudge in tissue paper into gift boxes and attached a label saying what it was and a list of ingredients. The gift boxes were all made from a book called ‘Make your own giftbox’ that I purchased in The Works. The boxes ‘pop out’ of the book and are really easy to make. These gifts went down very well!

Fudge in gift boxFudge Gift Boxes








Remember to pin this article so that you can make your own gorgeous fudge!

Easy Peasy chocolate fudge

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