Flowers arranged

How to Make a Pressed Flower Bookmark

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A pressed flower bookmark is so pretty and really cheery when you re-open your book. They also make fabulous gifts that you can post really easily and inexpensively. What a great way to remember a special occasion or simply your garden flowers.

If you would like to make your own flower press so that you can always press flowers easily then take a look at the flower press tutorial including video instructions.

If you are looking at this and thinking it is not very budget friendly remember that if you already have a laminator then this craft is really inexpensive to do. If you do not have a laminator then consider making bookmarks in a simpler way which I will cover soon.

pressed flower bookmarks

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You will need:

Pressed flowers and/or leaves

Laminator pouches


Scissors / Rotary cutter and mat

Hole punch and embroidery thread (optional)

Step 1 – Design

The first step is to look at your pressed flowers and/or leaves and design your bookmark. This can be as complex or simple as you like. It is time to let your creativity shine! You can do this on your work surface or directly into your laminator pouch.

You also need to consider how large you want your finished bookmark to be. This is entirely a personal preference and may be guided by what books you want to use it in. Mine have finished up approximately 2″ by 8″ (5cm x 20cm) and 3″ by 8″ (7.5cm x 20cm).

Arranging Flowers
Flowers arranged

Then carefully close your laminator pouch making sure that your flowers do not move.

Closing laminator pouch

Step 2: Laminating

Heat up your laminator as the appliance instructions tell you to do. Then simply feed your laminating pouch into the laminator. My advice is to hold the pouch horizontally so that the flowers can not move around and spoil your design. Also ensure that the pouch is flat after it leaves the laminator.


Make sure that your pouch has cooled down before you attempt to cut it. Also remember to turn off your laminator.

Step 3: Cutting the bookmark

Once the pouch is cool you need to cut your bookmark to size (unless your laminating pouch was exactly the size that you want your bookmark to be).

I used a rotary cutter and self healing mat so that I could get good straight parallel lines but you could easily use scissors.

Cut the bookmark to the exact size that you would like and then consider if you would like square or curved corners. I chose to curve mine so that the edges are not so sharp.

Cutting the bookmark

Step 4: Adding a tassel (optional)

Using a hole punch make a hole in the top of your bookmark. I used a standard office hole punch but you can use whatever tool you have available.

Punching hole in bookmark

Next cut a length of embroidery thread approximately twice the length of the tassel you want. I cut mine 8″ (20cm) long. If you would like a fuller tassel then cut more than one length and place them together. Work through the rest of the step as if your threads are one thread.

Fold the thread in half and feed the loop through the hole in the bookmark.

Threading thread through loop

Pull the thread through far enough that you can feed the threads through the loop.

Feed threads through loop
Forming tassel

Pull the threads tight keeping the ends together so that your tassel finishes with all the threads the same length.

Completed tassel on bookmark


Congratulations, you now have a beautiful pressed flower bookmark to keep and remind you of the summer garden or a special occasion. You can make many of these really quickly so they can be great for selling at fetes or other events. They can also be used as gifts in party bags or wedding favours.

Pressed Flower Bookmark

If you enjoy making craft items then take a look at these other great, free tutorials:

How to Make a Flower Press

How to Make a Fabric corner Bookmark

Upcycle an old T-shirt into Fabulous Fabric Flowers

How to Make Seed Paper for use in Crafts

Please comment below and let me know about your pressed flower bookmark and other crafts or ask any questions you may have.

Remember to pin this on Pinterest so that you can find it later and you can follow me on there for lots of great ideas as Christine’s Crafts

pressed flower bookmarks

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