snowball wreath on blue background

How to Make a Christmas Snowball Wreath

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Christmas wreaths are incredibly popular but can also be very expensive. This cute snowball wreath is suitable for indoor use and is very easy to make. DIY Christmas wreaths are so pretty. Before we start I will talk a little bit about Christmas wreaths and why we hang them.

Why a Christmas wreath?

Wreaths have been around for a very long time. Think about the images you see of Julius Ceasar. Yes, they were used in ancient Rome and Greece. They were often worn on the head and represented a person’s rank. Later they were taken as a Christian symbol to represent Christ’s suffering and overcoming of death. So, why hang one at Christmas?

Well, it is felt that hanging a wreath on a door at Christmas welcomes the spirit of Christ into the home. This wreath however is purely decorative and based on snowballs with no religious connections. In some cultures a white wreath can represent death but that is usually on a door. This one is white purely because snow is white!

It is just a bit of fun to brighten up your winter home. So, let’s get started!

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You will need:

Styrofoam (polystyrene) balls

Thin Wire that you can easily bend

Fake snow

Glue (PVA for snow and multi-purpose for decoration)

Decoration for bottom of wreath (whatever you like)

Snowball wreath supplies

If you like to watch a video of me making the crafts then scroll down to the bottom of the written instructions and watch me there.

Decide on the size of your Wreath

You can make your wreath as large or as small as you like. The wreath I am making here is approximately 9″ across and I have used nine 2″ balls to make it.

Deciding on the size will help you to decide how many snowballs to make.

Make your Snowballs

The first step is to make your snowballs. Take some of your fake snow and place it into a container. I am using an old margarine tub. Take a ball and cover half of it with glue.

applying glue to ball

Roll the ball in the snow to cover it. Now repeat with the other half of the ball.

Rolling ball in snow

Place the snowball somewhere to dry. I used an old metal tray so that I could catch the fake snow that would fall off.

Repeat for all your snowballs. I made nine 2″ snowballs for my wreath. Let them dry.


Form the Ring for the Wreath

While your snowballs dry make your ring to put them on. Decide on a suitable ‘former’ for your wreath. By that I mean something that is circular in shape and the right size for your wreath. I used a sweet tub as it is nearly Christmas!

Wrap your wire around the former to form a circle.

Wire around former

Now make sure that your ends of wire overlap by at least 2 inches. Cut the wire to length using wire cutters. If you use scissors you will blunt them. At this stage it is better to leave your wire too long than too short.

Marking length of wire

Now work your wire until you are happy with it. Sometimes it helps to take the wire off the former and pull it in to a smaller size so that it springs back to the size you want. Take your time with this as it is much easier without the snowballs on it!

Feed Snowballs onto Wire Ring

Now, simply feed each of the snowballs onto the wire in turn. If you have fine wire then this should be relatively straightforward. A word of warning though! If your wire is quite thick (like mine) then I recommend making a hole through each snowball with a needle or thin wire first. It is surprisingly difficult to get a wire though a styrofoam ball.

Putting snowball on wire

You may find that you rub a lot of the fake snow off as you feed the snowballs onto the wire. If this happens (which it did for me) then simply apply some more glue to the bald bits of the balls and sprinkle some more fake snow onto the wreath. Wait for it to dry again.

Completing the Wreath

Once you have all your snowballs on the wire you need to close up the ring by twisting the ends of the wire together. Remember that all the wire that is not inside snowballs will require covering with your chosen decoration so if necessary shorten your wire now before twisting the ends together.

If your wire is quite thick you may need to use pliers to wrap the ends together securely.

Once you have a ring simply glue your chosen decoration over the exposed wire using multi-purpose or hot melt glue.

Snowball wreath

Now all you need to do is decide where to hang it and attach a hanging thread. I used fishing line to hang mine so that it was invisible!

Video Instructions for Snowball Wreath

Further Ideas

If you are looking for more Christmas ideas then how about these:

How to make a Christmas Tree Sled Decoration

Super Simple Yarn Indoor Wreath

How to Make a Folded Book Angel

Please leave me a comment below and let me know how you get on with your wreath or indeed any of your decorations.

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