Are you looking for fantastic printables? Then you have come to the right place. If you would like to browse my shop on Etsy then click on the icon below and you will go straight there.
Highlights from the Shop
If you are looking for a craft project that is a little more in depth than the ones on the blog then how about making an Etui Box (Exploding Sewing Box). This set of pdfs will show you all you need to know. There is an instructional workbook, templates and free mitred corners guide. You can make a beautiful box like this one just take a look at Christine’s Printables Etui Box.
If you are a keen knitter then you will love this Planner and Journal. Keep track of your needles and yarn stash. Record your projects properly so that you can find all the information again. Plan your next project and keep a wish list of yarn. Take a look now at Christine’s Printables Knitting Planner.

If crocheting is more your thing then how about a crochet planner instead? This includes a choice of covers, a hook record, yarn inventory, project planner and so much more. Don’t let your projects get out of control again. Take a look at Christine’s Printables Crochet Planner.

If sewing is your thing then there is fantastic sewing planner too! It is packed full of useful pages that you can use again and again. Keep a record of the body measurements of everyone you sew for. Plan your sewing year and plan each project. Take a look at Christine’s Printables Sewing Planner.
If quilting is your specific sewing passion then perhaps the Quilting Planner & Journal will be more suitable. This will allow you to keep a journal of your blocks and quilts as well as your fabric wishlist. You can also keep all your quilting instructions and notes together in this pretty planner. Take a look at Christine’s Printables Quilt Planner.

There is also now a beautiful garden planner for all you gardeners. I was late to the practice of using a garden planner / journal and I love it now. It means that I can look back and see exactly when I did tasks last year to guide me this year. I can also plan my watering, fertilising, etc. This planner also comes with black and white alternative inserts if you prefer them for printing. Take a look at Christine’s Printables Lush Gardening Planner.
There are many more planners, journals, coloring books, puzzle books, etc for you to view in the shop on Etsy. Take a look now and remember that they are all printables so you can download and use them immediately.
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